In case you get an error message after applying a license key, please check on possible reasons below, and on the ways to fix those:
If you see such an error, please check carefully, if you have entered the name and the key exactly as they are specified in your confirmation email:
The error indicates that the license key is no longer valid or was manually disabled for one of the following reasons:
Lost license keys can be retrieved here. New SEO PowerSuite licenses can be ordered here.
The error indicates that two or more instances of the program are currently running under the same license. This violates the SEO PowerSuite license terms.
Any SEO PowerSuite tool can be installed and any license can be used on however many computers, but not simultaneously. This means you'd have to close the program completely on one computer before starting it on another one and make sure not to leave it running in Tray. So it's one license on one machine at a time, but no other limitations.
To get rid of the violation error, simply close all instances of the program, wait for 13 minutes for the license session to expire, and launch the program anew on one machine only.
If you would like to use it on 2 or more computers simultaneously, drop us a line to get a personal offer for any additional licenses.